“It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works.
Find out more about how to transform your activism to better advocate for your causes through personal and social empowerment, get caught up on the blog.
“When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive.”
Chief Seattle, Duwamish
We live in a world where hatred, violence and oppression increasingly grow in spite of the efforts of millions of nonprofits around the world. Why is this? With so many well-meaning people and organizations, why aren’t we making a bigger difference for people, animals and the environment? What efforts do we need to make as a collective to really see the changes we want? How do we make great strides like those before us such as Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and many others?
With the constant struggle to survive, the shrinking middle class, the ever growing corporations and governments, how do we take care of ourselves and our families, while fighting such awful oppressions and abuses going on in the world? How do we accomplish things where we feel the odds are totally against us?
Understanding the right components can fundamentally shift our mindset, paving the way for personal and social growth. By recognizing the patterns and behaviors that shape our experiences, we can transcend survival mode and thrive. Years of studying human behavior have revealed that awareness and comprehension of power dynamics, oppression, and societal norms are key to healing both individually and collectively. Through this understanding, we can dismantle toxic status quos and foster a more peaceful world. Embracing this knowledge enables us to heal ourselves and contribute meaningfully to global harmony.
Gain knowledge in self transformation through shadow work and learning about healthy relating in every relationship, not just romantic ones. Through understanding about oneself, we learn how to relate and communicate with others in more healthy ways. When we learn to reconnect with ourselves, healthy communication, altruism and other higher standard social values, we build a foundation not only in ourselves, but also in the communities and groups we spend so much time and energy in on a daily basis. Healing ourselves, helps to heal the world we live in.
It’s one thing to have head knowledge, but we don’t actually gain spiritual and emotional intelligence until we start applying what we know to the situations we face everyday. Many people recite what they’ve learned to others, but it’s harder to demonstrate it until we’ve actively practiced it and refined it to who we are, and the individuality of others. To be role models in our lives of better more ethical social standards, we have to walk it and expose ourselves to the intricate challenges of living in a toxic society so we can start to sift out the deeper truths that help us to get along with others and shift society at large.
When you’ve learned and integrated a connection with self, healed various traumas and begin to walk your talk, you start to see these areas of life differently. It transforms your mindset, which transforms your life. At this point, you begin to empower others because you can see the keys that help shift people. You’ve walked it. You’ve self validated. You know the truth. This sort of evolution may or may not be a whole transformation. You might find it’s in bits and pieces. You may have overcome some fears, but are still dealing with rage or anger in other areas. This is normal for most people. It doesn’t mean you can’t still help and empower others. In fact, that we are perfect role models or gurus, is empowering in and of itself and serves to keep us humble and in a place of understanding with others who are at various different levels. It keeps us relating and connecting with one another if we acknowledge this across race, class, gender, ability, creed, religion, and age.
If you’ve been exposed to abuse, violence, or oppression, chances are you’ve been traumatized directly or indirectly. The truth is, we’ve all grown up in toxic social norms so though we’d like to think we’re not affected, the truth is we often can’t see its affects because we’re so used to it. This is called systemic abuse. When social norms uphold a value in a society that creates, enables, or ignores trauma, it’s system-wide and difficult to break and heal from. However, through education and rehabilitation through practice, you can learn to change your mindset into one that is more altruistic and egalitarian. You can maintain your personal freedom while upholding better standards for the greater good, which help to break down and mitigate systemic abuse, which spans from within ourselves and throughout all systems of society. Because who we are in the world participates in creating it, by pursuing this journey within you, you are helping society achieve peace.
But how do you become these things when there is so much going on within? It's one thing to want to heal and help the greater good, but how is that possible when your own life needs so much attention?
Personal Power
Belief in Self
Self Sufficiency
Societally, we operate in toxic relationships and culture. We are either helping build healthy relationships or breaking them down. The art of understanding these complexities is through developing interpersonal relationships.
By healing your trauma you reconnect with your inner child and self. Through this connection you gain your authenticity and fire
Personal Power
Belief in Self
Self Sufficiency
Using healthy systems of communication, learn to transform your interactions with other through:
Emotional Intelligence
Nonviolent Communication
Effective Communication
Predominately, our world is and has been run by ego-based leadership, which puts few people in power of many. This causes power to become unbalanced due to the lack of diversity in leadership that represents all groups of societies. Learn about relational leadership which helps to build better societies through seeking to understand the disparities between people and groups.
Around the world are political and economic systems that are zero-sum games, which means there is a rooted belief that one person or group must lose in order for the other to win. This polarized viewpoint exploits those with less power. Learn about altruistic values and practice them in your life to help fight against these unethical systems and promote ones that serve the greater good.
An egocentric worldview is one that is solely focused on the self. This can also be extended to only thinking of one' family or certain groups one associates with. Through learning an egalitarian worldview, we seek to strive for understanding with all groups in how they work and live.
“There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which…is within the souls of men.”
Black Elk
Trauma and Abuse
disconnect from self
Toxic Social Norms/ Systemic Abuse
disconnect from family and friends
disconnect from community and state
Love for Power
disconnect from humanity
We are all constantly in transition. We are moving towards goals, which means we will have things that are hypocritical and illogical. Acceptance of yourself in that in paramount to accepting others in theirs, so that we can move past the emotional barriers of transformation.
Personal Power
Belief in Self
Self Sufficiency
Effective leadership begins in the mindset of equality. A group is as strong as its weakest member, and in this we build up everyone, together.
It also helps us to communicate more effectively, when we are authentic to our needs to be out of the box, because it makes our communication more effective. Communication with ourselves and others is our navigation system to a better world.
Emotional Intelligence
Nonviolent Communication
Effective Communication
Effective leadership begins in the mindset of equality. A group is as strong as its weakest member, and in this we build up everyone, together.
It also helps us to communicate more effectively, when we are authentic to our needs to be out of the box, because it makes our communication more effective. Communication with ourselves and others is our navigation system to a better world.
We are social beings. How we do any kind of relating determines how we live life and achieve goals. If we don't develop healthy relationship with self and others, we don't stand a chance with changing the world into a better place.
We are social beings. How we do any kind of relating determines how we live life and achieve goals. If we don't develop healthy relationship with self and others, we don't stand a chance with changing the world into a better place.
“You have to look deeper, way below the anger, the hurt, the hate, the jealousy, the self-pity, way down deeper where the dreams lie, son. Find your dream. It’s the pursuit of the dream that heals you.“
-Billy Mills
Black Elk
Paragraph about what the guide to life is and how it can help people, short and snappy. Makes readers want to view
“It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works.
VISIT THE WEBSITE HERE Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the
We’re building a community of people who believe in healing the world from within.
A free community where we can practice and discuss social issues and practice healthy social norms.
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